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What is Health Economics and What is its Role in Clinical Trials?

Health economics is concerned with how society uses scarce resources to meet the demand and need for healthcare services. This scarcity creates a need for prioritisation and hence a strong case for health economic evaluation that aims to provide decision makers with estimates of the health benefits and costs associated with different interventions.

Provided Services

Team Health Economics is part of the Clinical Trials Unit (CTU) at Oslo University Hospital, and we provide advice and support within the following areas:

  • Design and methods within health economics - e.g. health economic evaluation (cost-effectiveness analysis etc.), estimation of long term survival and treatment effect and/or QALY, Value of Information (VOI) methods, estimation of costs and/or health benefits of interventions, simulation modelling.
  • Protocols and applications for fundingwhere Health Economics is relevant (Helse Sør-Øst, NFR e.g.).
  • Courses and presentations.

 Additionally, our mandate from the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority (HSØ) states that we must also be an available resource for health research projects in the region that want our assistance, regardless of any other connection to CTU.

Contact us

Contact us via e-mail or contact form, preferably as early as possible during the planning phase of your project.

Contact information for our employees can be found here.