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Formalisation and Approval

Research biobanks must be established if the intention is to store human biological material for research. An indicative limit for the establishment of a research biobank is storage beyond 2 months, i.e. if the biological material will be destroyed immediately after analysis there is no need to create a research biobank.

All use of biobank material for research must be approved by the Regional Committees for Medical and Health Research Ethics (REK) before collection and storage can take place. Establishment of a research biobank shall be carried out in accordance with the Health Research Act and in accordance with the institution's procedures and guidelines.

If you have questions about establishing or operating a research biobank, contact the Department of Biobank and Registry Support. Feel free to come in the planning phase! The department has experience and can advise in the application process so that the application and consent will be sufficient for the project and also any subsequent projects.