Formalisation and Application
Before you apply for funding for your research project, you must familiarise yourself with the internal guidelines for the application process and obtain the necessary approvals internally. The guidelines will vary between institutions. These pages primarily present guidelines formalised at Oslo University Hospital (OUS) as presented in the guideline “Retningslinje for virksomhet (oppgaver) med særskilt finansiering” (in Norwegian only).
The internal guideline at OUS requires that your manager or head of department approve your project idea. You must explain the project's content and objectives and what you are applying for in the funding (from a funding source), as well as what the project will cost the hospital to implement. The total budget consists of what you apply for from the funding source and what the hospital must cover from its own resources.
Total budget up to 6 MNOK: Approval from department head (level N3).
Total budget from 6 to 20 MNOK: Approval from both head of department and head of division/ head of research.
Total budget from 20 to 50 MNOK: Approval from head of department, head of division/head of research and research director.
In addition, applications with a total budget higher than NOK 50 million must be approved by the CEO.
Project Administrator at OUS
At OUS, all applications for funding from the EU and other international sources must also be approved by the responsible administrator or Project Administrator. Most sources of funding also ask for the names of, and/or whether the application is approved by, the Project Administrator. The Project Administrator will give his/her approval presupposing that the applicant has obtained approvals according to the amount limits for approval (see above).
The CEO of OUS has an institutional responsibility for the follow-up of applications, and to assure that contracts for research funding will be signed in accordance with internal requirements and guidelines. This role and responsibility is delegated from the CEO to the Project Administrator:
Project Administrator / Authorized Representative
Martin Sending
Head of department
Administrative Research Support
Research Support Unit - Oslo Hospital Service
Oslo University Hospital
Phone: + 47 952 21 446
Date of Birth: 29.april 1978
Administrative data Oslo universitetssykehus HF (OUS) / Oslo University Hospital (OUH) | |
Organisation number | 993 467 049 |
Participant Identification Code (PIC, for EU proposals) | 99 11 04 000 |
Federal Entity Identification Number (EIN) (for NiH proposals) | 98-1206495 |
Federalwide Assurance (FWA)(for NiH proposals) | 00 00 65 96 |
Unique Entity ID (for NiH proposals) | T56MFRK2AUJ5 |
It is different how funding sources provide feedback on grants or funding of research projects. The main rule is that the source of funding reports back to the applicant/project manager and administrative responsible at the institution, but it is important to remember that as a project manager you are responsible to follow up your application/project and the formalisation internally in your own institution.
When you have received a letter of commitment and/or contract from the funding source, it is only the Project Administrator at OUS who has the authority to sign and accept the funding or contract. This is done in consultation with the applicant/project manager and your manager (head of department) where the applicant/project manager has his/her employment and where the project is to be carried out.
If the project is being carried out with partners from other institutions, collaboration agreements must be set up between the parties. Some funding sources require collaboration agreements to be submitted in advance before a contract/commitment letter can be entered accepted between the funding source and the host institution/project owner. All collaboration agreements must be quality assured by the Section for External Funding and Reporting at the Research Support unit at OUS.
Project numbers are allocated in the register for externally funded projects - the EFP Register in Medinsight. Click here to download the tutorial (PDF). To initiate the process, contact the financial manager/advisor in your division.
The Section for External Funding will follow up and initiate a start-up meeting when you get funding from the EU or other international funding sources.