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Agreement Templates

Agreement Templates

Research involving collaboration between several institutions must be formalised in an agreement. For externally funded projects, this is often a requirement from the funding sources. Entering into agreements is particularly important where research involves the sharing and dissemination of research data. See also formalisation of health research projects.

In collaborative projects between Oslo University Hospital (OUS) and the Institute of Clinical Medicine at the University of Oslo (UiO), common routines and templates for agreements have been drawn up. For more information, see UiO's website.

Who is authorized to sign cooperation agreements in research follows from OUS's authority structure and the Authority Matrix - Research. Normally, agreements can be signed by the head of department (N3).

For projects initiated by OUS, we recommend that you use the relevant templates below. Here you will also find links to external templates that may be useful.

If you have questions or need assistance with agreements, see contact information under Legal Assistance.

The Research Council of Norway - Agreement Templates

Agreement templates from the Research Council of Norway can be found here.

NorCRIN Templates - Drug Trials

Procedures and templates for collaboration in clinical drug trials can be found on NorCRIN's website, under SOP LM 2.08: Samarbeidsavtaler, informasjonsrutiner og delegering av oppgaver (Collaboration agreements, information routines and delegation of tasks).