Conduct of Health Research Projects

It is the responsibility of the project manager or responsible researcher to ensure that the project is conducted in compliance with prior approvals and any agreements that constitute the basis of the project, see Formalization.

In health research, it is crucial that the research participants' interests and safety are safeguarded in all phases of the project. This includes ensuring that the participants are not exposed to unnecessary risk of injury or strain, as well as taking necessary precaution to protect the participants’ confidentiality and integrity during processing of research data.

You will find links to relevant privacy and information security routines in research in eHåndboken (OUS’ electronic manual) in the folder Forskning, innovasjon og utdanning (Research, Innovation and Education). See also the folders Personvern (Privacy Protection) and Informasjonssikkerhet (Information Security).

If changes to the original project are planned, please refer to Amendments and Adverse Events.