Service Departments - Requests and Agreements

It is important to contact the service departments early, in order for the sponsor to be able to find another supplier if the hospital does not have the capacity or opportunity to provide the required services. Requests must be detailed so that it is clear what needs to be done, how often, when the study starts, how long it lasts and how many patients will be included. Study protocol and other relevant documentation such as laboratory or procedure manuals should be attached to the request.

Contracts with the service departments must be in place before the study budget can be completed.

By clicking on the links below you can download price and capacity request forms for service departments, price lists and contact list.

NOTE: If a dialogue box appears during download, asking for username and password, click "OK" until it disappears.

Overview of all analyses offered at Division for Laboratory Medicine can be found here (in Norwegian only): Analyseoversikten

Accreditation certificates for e.g. the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Department of Pharmacology at OUS are available in English and Norwegian at the Norsk akkreditering website.

Price  and capacity request forms:
Price and capacity request form generic (in Norwegian) - not used by Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Medical Biochemistry or Pathology, see below


Division of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine

Request form for industry sponsored trials 

Change request form

Note: It is not possible to save information in the forms temporarily. If you want a "physical" form, please contact or


Medical Biochemistry

Price and capacity request form Medical Biochemistry (MBK) - download from OUS eHåndbok (Norwegian)



Request form for industry sponsored trials (Norwegian)

Price lists:

Department of Pathology

Microbiology (Norwegian, excel)

Division of Laboratory Medicine (KRN) Nuclear Medicine (Norwegian)

Division of Laboratory Medicine (KRN) Radiology

Medical Biochemistry - see the department's website (in Norwegian)


Oncology Day Unit (Norwegian)

Price list Inven2

Cardiology: Echocardiography, NOK 5600

List of contact persons in the service departments:
Contact List (Norwegian)

Miscellaneous forms, Division of Laboratory Medicine (KRN)

Information CD burning (Norwegian)

Important information - study specific request form (Norwegian)