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Support scheme for applications to the EU research program Horizon Europe

OUS has been awarded financial support (PES - Project Establishment Support) to prepare applications for the EU's Horizon Europe research program on behalf of all companies in Health South-East for 2023-2024.


PES Horizon Europe Europa 2023-2024

In 2023 and 2024, Oslo University Hospital (OUS), on behalf of Helse Sør-Øst RHF (HSØ), has been awarded a PES Horizon Europe (PES) framework grant from the Research Council of Norway. The framework grant applies to all hospitals in the region, and is intended to help the hospitals take advantage of the opportunities in the Horizon Europe programme.

Applications for funding must be sent to the Team for external funding, Administrative Research Support at OUS by returning the completed application form to grants@ous-hf.no. 

The application form template can be downloaded from here – PES Horisont Europa 2023 - 2024 (docx format)


  • Covering of costs associated with time for writing applications, positioning, travel, etc. linked to the establishment of networks, consortia and projects
  • measures to strengthen the institution's EU competence
  • procurement of external assistance and advice related to project establishment and application development

FUNDING SCALE 2023 - 2024:

Each individual application must apply for an estimated budget, at the same time the limit for the amount of funding from PES will be based on the project type, the applicant's role and the budget in the planned EU project. Only actual costs recorded in the internal accounts will be covered, and only accrued costs up to the application deadline will be covered.

OUS has been allocated a framework grant from the Research Council of Norway and the amount of funding per application may have to be adjusted according to the amount of funds available.


Camilla Lien Sandnes
Team leader
Phone: 930 82 976
E-mail: grants@ous-hf.no
Team for external funding 
Administrative Research Support
Oslo University Hospital

Svein Arnesen
Special adviser
Phone: 40 21 86 89
E-mail: grants@ous-hf.no
Team for external funding 
Administrative Research Support
Oslo University Hospital