Editor and Employee Responsibility

Publication is a matter of trust and ethics, which is explicitly advocated by the Vancouver Convention. Scientific journals base their evaluations on confidence that the authors' manuscripts are founded on ethically sound research, in accordance with recognized scientific principles and relevant regulatory requirements.

Researchers must safeguard the same confidence when publishing, and are jointly responsible for including "negative" and "inconclusive" research results from their own work in the manuscript (Article 36 of the Helsinki Declaration). Any conflicts of interest should be made known to the journal before publication. In case of suspicion of fraud, the employee (co-author) is obliged to contribute to the resolution of the case. This applies both to the journals’ own investigations and to any internal review at the hospital.

For dealing with questions of fraud, see Research Integrity Issues.

Oslo University Hospital assumes that all employees follow the routines that apply to publication in the journal in question (see, for example, Nature Editorial Policies, and the Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association’s Authoring Guide (in Norwegian)).