Research Dissemination via
The website is specifically developed for daily dissemination and promotion of research performed at Oslo University Hospital (OUS). The research web provides a complete overview of all research groups and all researchers at all divisions and departments at OUS, all in one place.
Every research group at OUS has been assigned its own web page where they present their group members, projects and publications. The research web comprises around 200 independent research group web pages and 2 400 individual researchers.
The research web contains independent web pages arranged in a hierarchy based on organisation, divided into divisions, departments and research groups, and has an efficient search functionality.
The research web also includes a section for research news, which serves as a channel for highlighting important research findings, as well as other issues of interest to the research community.
The research web presents daily updated publication lists at individual, departmental and division levels. These are retrieved from the Publika system - - which is integrated into
Researchers presented on quickly reach the top of Google search. This contributes to the web site’s many daily visitors, with 1000-1200 unique daily users from all over the world.
All inquiries regarding English-language research dissemination via can be addressed to Trond Olav Berg, PhD. He also follows up on issues related to Publika.