Regional Research Support's Website is Moving!

Regional Research Support’s websites is moving from the domain to a separate "micro-website" Research Support, under Oslo University Hospital (OUS). The pages have been published in Norwegian and we are now working on an English version.

Joint online solution for the specialist health services (FNSP)

All hospitals in Norway use the same publishing platform: FNSP (Felles nettløsning for spesialisthelsetjenesten). Patient information is the central part of the hospitals' websites, and a common web solution means that information about, for example, treatment methods can be shared and reused across hospitals and websites.

FNSP is also used for websites with other target groups, for example information to or between professionals, emergency incidents and interaction with the municipal health service.

Why are the websites being moved?

Services that are organized under a hospital must have their websites in FNSP under the corresponding hospital website. Since Regional Research Support organizationally belongs to OUS, our websites must therefore be placed under the OUS domain.

What will the new website look like?

The website is set up as a so-called "micro-website", that is, a website within the OUS website with its own menu, header and footer. The design is the same as for the rest of the Norwegian hospitals and is adapted to display on different platforms (screen, mobile or tablet), while also meeting requirements for universal design.

FNSP is constantly working on developing the website solution, so there may be changes to the pages as new functionality is put into use.

Connection to the OUS pages

The search field on Research Support’s website only applies internally, while searches on OUS' main pages also find content on our pages.

Courses and events that are published on Research Support’s website will also be listed under OUS' overview of events.

An overview of and contact information for employees can be found on the departmental pages of Research Support Services and Regional Research Support on the OUS main pages. There are also links to the departments in Regional Research Support in the menu on the new research support pages.

Do you have questions about the websites? Contact website manager Ellen Johnsen.